The Road Home

We spend half our lives on the road and in faraway places, seldom processing the distance or the accumulated time, but always aware of the separation. The splendor and allure of the aerial horizon with its variable underlying patterns of earth, sea, and clouds and the constant relative motion of the heavens above, in varying degrees of visibility, keep us driving forward, focused and engaged in our tasks. We manage the energy state of our ships and artfully move through space…until at last we turn homeward…Normally, we remain locked in our tight focus until we see the lights of home through the windscreen and settle into our homecoming routines…Sometimes, we find ourselves riding in the backseat, watching the airways slide across the textured earth below as the sun melts into the horizon and we allow ourselves to think of both worlds at once. We ease along the road home with a familiarity that fills us with comfort and warmth.

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