Wildfires Along the Trail

Wildfires in the Canyons of San Carlos-4194

In and around the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation, wildfires burn on ridges and in remote canyons. Another scene of fires burning in this hot season in North America. Some fires start naturally, others are helped by our carelessness…Never knowing what conditions we may find along the trail, let’s be careful out there and resolve to be good stewards of everyplace over which our footsteps fall.

3 thoughts on “Wildfires Along the Trail

  1. We live in pristine Cuddy Valley, Kern County, California — surrounded by the Los Padres National Forest (just off the Grapevine and inland, as the crow flies, from Ojai and Santa Barbara). Our upper mountains have numerous campsites, and through the years up here, we’ve reported fires, and stumbled across all kinds of strange encounters.

    Last night, out-of-area campers left six putrid plastic garbage bags of beer cans, paper plates, smelly food . . . next to the road at the foot of the entrance to our neighborhood. Why carry the garbage home, they must have thought? Why not just dump it here for the locals to deal with? Knowing full well what coyotes would make of it by morning, my husband and I piled the smelly garbage in the back of our pick up, double bagged it, and he’s off to the dump with it now.

    I agree. It’s up to each one of us to “resolve to be good stewards of everyplace over which our footsteps fall.” Even if it means cleaning up after other people’s garbage!!! :)) Dawn


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