
The Aerial Horizon Photographic Blog began in January 2013 as a project to capture “a year in flight.” That year culminated in the posting of over 200 aerial images and related narrative covering a variety of topics including the aviation, weather, geography, history, geology, nature, and art.

Prints of most of the photographs featured here may be purchased through my portfolio web site: http://mcandrewsphotography.zenfolio.com

Please feel free to use the form below to send me feedback on this blog.

9 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey,

    A fellow blogger recommended your site after reading a post I wrote on lightning, and I stopped by. Really cool images. I’m jealous—I wish I was a natural photographer. One of these days, I hope to only use my own images on my blog and not grab stuff off the internet, but that’s a long way away.


    • I’ve enjoyed checking out your blog. The photography will come to you as a natural biproduct of the ideas you share. It’s a constant process. I find improvement comes with disciplined practice, no matter how simple or small…just regular. Thanks for visiting my blog.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Well, I’ll keep that in mind 🙂 Suppose I’ll have to break out my camera one of these days and just take a picture already. Or, I guess my iPhone would probably work, what with today’s technology.


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